Publicado por Sara de Paula em Geral - 14/07/2022

Bishops elected at the 21st General Council of the Methodist Church in Brazil

Bishops elected at the 21st General Council of the Methodist Church in Brazil

Watch the episcopal election broadcast here



After the elections, the bishops were assigned to the Regions that are to preside in the next ecclesiastical period.
Check below for names, images, election information and the Region to which they were assigned.

Watch the timing of the appointments here.



Bishop Adonias Pereria do Lago (5ª ER)
President of the Council of Bishops

Re-elected with 141 votes in the 3rd scrutiny 
Assigned to 5th Ecclesiastical Region



Bishop Paulo Rangel dos Santos Gonçalves (1ª ER)
Re-elected with 138 votes in the 6th scrutiny
Assigned to 1st Ecclesiastical Region



Bishop Fabio Cosme da Silva (9ª ER)
Re-elected with 148 votes in the 7th scrutiny
Assigned to 9th Ecclesiastical Region



Bishop Fernando César Monteiro - (6ª ER)
Elected with 143 votes in the 9th scrutiny
Assigned to 6th Ecclesiastical Region



Bishop Bruno Roberto Pereira dos Santos (1ª ER)
Secretary of the Council of Bishops

Elected with 140 votes in the 11th scrutiny
Assigned to 4th Ecclesiastical Region



Bishop Roberto Alves de Souza (4ª ER)
Vice President of the Council of Bishops
Re-elected with 136 votes in the 13th scrutiny
Assigned to 7th Ecclesiastical Region



Bishop André Luíz de Carvalho Nunes (Northeast Missionary Region)
Elected with 148 votes in the 15th scrutiny
Assigned to Missionary Region of the Northeast (Northeast Missionary Region)



Bishop Hideíde de Brito Aparecida Gomes Torres (8ª ER)
Re-elected with 146 votes in the 17th scrutiny
Assigned to 8th Ecclesiastical Region



Bishop Marcos Antônio Garcia - (3ª ER)
Elected with 149 votes in the 18th scrutiny
Assigned to 3rd Ecclesiastical Region



Bishop Nelson Magalhães Furtado (7ª ER)
Elected with 137 votes in the 24th scrutiny
Assigned to 2nd Ecclesiastical Region


Visit the 21st General Council home page

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